The Useless Counsel

Archive for the category “Science”

Russian Meteor was chondrite

Which pretty much means it formed in space somehow and has never been part of a larger body (like a star, moon or planet).   It is a primitive type of asteroid, formed in the early solar system.

Therefore it has been zooming around for billions of years before exploding in our Earths atmosphere at approximately 33.000 mph last week.

Glad I found some info on alleged fragments found, makes me feel better.

I think I can buy this one, sounds good to me.   But you never know…… boom bamboozeld.

A specimen of the NWA 869 chondrite (type L4-6), showing chondrules and metal flakes

Meteor Follow-up Article


I think this guys head is in the right place.  Omit his obsessive compulsive tendencies and I agree with his views.

Have to quote this,

“And I worry about a society that pays more attention to Alec Baldwin’s anger management issues, the pregnancy cravings of Kim Kardashian and anything Donald Trump has to say — but can’t figure out how to shoot down meteors the size of a bus before they arrive on our front porch.”

For the sake of humanity, shut off the fucking TV.   Recently I have been wondering why people who watch TV all develop the same (brainwashed) opinion about hot topics in the news?   If you can answer that question correctly then IMHO you are on the right path.

“Zombie Cells Created in the Lab”

Not at all accurate but interesting, no way these things are functional.

“By being able to survive extreme pressures and temperatures, the zombie cells can ‘perform some functions better than when they were alive’, says Michael Hess at the American Office of Public Affairs.”

I bet those functions include being boiled, burned or smashed.–outperform-living-counterparts.html

The cells are coated in silicic acid and it 'embalms' the living cell and can survive greater temperatures than flesh

California Meteor

OK I’m staying in tonight.





Cuban Meteor

I’m suspicious this is a hoax because the probability of having two meteors and a near miss asteroid in one day is zero unless something catastrophic is about to occur.

Alleged info


Suspected meteorite flies over Cuba


Russian Meteor

All I want to know at this point is if anything landed and what it was.


Asteroid and a meteor in the same day?

And now the FDA approves Frankensalmon

Genetically modified salmon approved by the FDA.

Eat Up! And good luck trying to tell if the one you are eating is GMO or not, they rejected label requirements.




Real Live Kraken

And they finally found one.

Best Meteor Shower of the Year Peaks on the 12th & 13th

Staring down the barrel of the Sun


If an X class solar flare erupts from this (the bright spot in the middle) it could be extremely problematic for Earth.

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