The Useless Counsel

Separation of Money and State

Through all the smoke and mirrors shines a light.

Bitcoin represents society's best chance at separating money and state

Ron Paul correct yet again

“Justice Delayed is Justice Denied”


Bees still dying, vote with your dollar!

It looks like the only way to save the bees may be to boycott all GMO food.  The bottom article is old but a good read.

European Union? Or European Prison?

Two countries have voted to leave the EU, Greece and Britain.  The people of Greece spoke loud and clear, and were ignored. Will this repeat for Brexit?  What kind of monster has been created in the Euro zone that ignores the will of the people?  Time will tell.  Stay sharp.

Helter Skelter

Bottom two are scary, top one could go either way.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, text

H.R.6054 – Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018

Fact checking the fact checkers. Snopes

Ron Paul >>>>> Bill Maher


US Pays 22.1% of NATO Budget; Germany 14.7%; 13 Allies Pay Less Than 1%

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