The Useless Counsel

Archive for the category “News”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill To Halt U.S. Arms Supplies To Syrian Allies: al-Qaida, ISIS, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and other terrorist groups

Here is what the fake news won’t tell you, link below.

Analysis of NPR credibility;

Credibility analysis of NPR.ORG


9/11 report declassified

Second American Revolution on the Horizon?


I can’t believe I’m linking Fox News……

Word of this needs to get out until politicians GET IT!!!

Subject:           Gun control and the Second American Revolution.    The interviewee is Sheriff David Clarke Jr., Milwaukee County Sheriff.

Hearing men like this enables good people to still remain positive.

Please share this interview.    I guarantee this video will be pulled in less than 48 hrs.    I was unable to copy the video to this page because there was no html link.

Right to Bear Arms Rally


Look!!!  REAL Americans who are still interested in retaining the ability to make a CHOICE.   Not to have it made for them.

Ted sums it all up here in 2:13 seconds.


Recidivism (pron.: /rɨˈsɪdɨvɪzəm/; from recidive + ism, from Latin recidīvus “recurring”, from re- “back” + cadō “I fall”) is the act of a person repeating an undesirable behavior after they have either experienced negative consequences of that behavior, or have been treated or trained to extinguish that behavior. It is also used to refer to the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested.[1]

The term is most frequently used in conjunction with criminal behavior and substance abuse (often synonymous with “relapse” – more commonly used in medicine and in the disease model of addiction). For example, scientific literature may refer to the recidivism of sexual offenders, meaning the frequency with which they are detected or apprehended committing additional sexual crimes after being released from prison for similar crimes.[citation needed]

Criminal recidivism is highly correlated with psychopathy.[2][3][4] The psychopath is defined by an uninhibited gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes.[2][3][4] Individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior and lack remorse for their actions.[5]

Meteor Follow-up Article


I think this guys head is in the right place.  Omit his obsessive compulsive tendencies and I agree with his views.

Have to quote this,

“And I worry about a society that pays more attention to Alec Baldwin’s anger management issues, the pregnancy cravings of Kim Kardashian and anything Donald Trump has to say — but can’t figure out how to shoot down meteors the size of a bus before they arrive on our front porch.”

For the sake of humanity, shut off the fucking TV.   Recently I have been wondering why people who watch TV all develop the same (brainwashed) opinion about hot topics in the news?   If you can answer that question correctly then IMHO you are on the right path.

Daytona Wreck


I hope everyone came out of this one alright, looked pretty bad here.

“Zombie Cells Created in the Lab”

Not at all accurate but interesting, no way these things are functional.

“By being able to survive extreme pressures and temperatures, the zombie cells can ‘perform some functions better than when they were alive’, says Michael Hess at the American Office of Public Affairs.”

I bet those functions include being boiled, burned or smashed.–outperform-living-counterparts.html

The cells are coated in silicic acid and it 'embalms' the living cell and can survive greater temperatures than flesh

California Meteor

OK I’m staying in tonight.





Cuban Meteor

I’m suspicious this is a hoax because the probability of having two meteors and a near miss asteroid in one day is zero unless something catastrophic is about to occur.

Alleged info


Suspected meteorite flies over Cuba


Backbone of America Under Attack By Our Own Courts! Come support Indiana Farmer Vernon Bowman as he fights Monsanto’s patents!

Monsanto needs to be eradicated by any means necessary, and anyone who has ruled or voted in their favor should be ejected from our government and stoned until unconscious in town square by the people for even attempting this bullshit.   To top it off this just screams “special interests”  in the FDA, loudly and clearly.    When publishing any scientific paper it is required to have a statement if one has a monetary interest in the data, government agencies should be required to do the same.  Yes I’m pissed off, and yes I love run on sentences.

Background: Early in 2007, Indiana farmer Vernon Bowman wrote to Monsanto, stating that “I have been buying soybeans from an elevator for planting after wheat. There is no way of knowing what variety I have planted. However, most of the soybeans I have purchased turned out to be resistant to Round Up related chemicals.” Bowman, believing that he was legally using commodity grain purchased without restrictions from a grain elevator, asked “[w]ould you have your legal correspondent explain why my buying commercial bin run beans for planting is illegal.”

Over the next three months, Bowman exchanged several letters with Monsanto’s outside legal counsel, asking repeatedly for any evidence that his use of commodity grain for planting violated Monsanto’s patent rights and whether Monsanto ever provided notice or warning of this fact with respect to commodity grain. In an April 2007 letter, Bowman wrote that “[t]he commodity beans I bought turned out to be mostly R.R. beans as I had hoped. I did save some of these beans for seed.”

Monsanto sued Bowman for patent infringement in October 2007. The complaint alleged that Bowman willfully infringed both the ’605 and the ’247E patents in part because he “planted the soybean seed he purchased from the grain elevator.” In September 2008, Monsanto requested summary judgment, seeking a final determination as to Bowman’s liability and damages. Bowman argued that Monsanto’s patent rights to the seeds he purchased from the grain elevator and their progeny were exhausted. Monsanto won the Federal Circuit decision.

This landmark case asks whether the Federal Circuit erred by (1) refusing to find patent exhaustion – a doctrine which eliminates the right to control or prohibit the use of an invention after an authorized sale – in patented seeds that were sold for planting; and (2) creating an exception to the doctrine of patent exhaustion for self-replicating technologies.

RSVP: Farmers, safe food activists, and concerned citizens will gather on the sidewalk outside of the Supreme Court at 9AM to demand the Supreme Court side with Farmer Bowman!

More info here

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