The Useless Counsel

Archive for the month “October, 2014”

Number of Biosafety Level 4 Bio-containment Facilities in The United States 4– Number of Hospital Beds 19 — United States Not Prepared for Ebola Outbreak and Pandemic — Videos

Pronk Palisades

USAMRIID The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease


BioContainment Unit at The Nebraska Medical Center

Activation- A Nebraska Medical Center Biocontainment Unit Story

Max Alert! EBOLA Bodily Fluids Readily Airborne Weaponizable

Aerosolizing ONE DROP of EBOLA = 1/2 MILLION DEAD

The Secret Ebola Open Border Connection Revealed: Special Report

Ebola – The Truth About the Outbreak (Documentary)

What Pisses Me Off About Ebola


The ominous math of the Ebola epidemic

By Joel Achenbach, Lena H. Sun and Brady Dennis

When the experts describe the Ebola disaster, they do so with numbers. The statistics include not just the obvious ones, such as caseloads, deaths and the rate of infection, but also the ones that describe the speed of the global response.

Right now, the math still favors the virus.

Global health officials are looking closely at the “reproduction number,” which estimates how many people, on average…

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CDC: We Can’t Get the Risk of Ebola to Zero Here

“Stopping flights into the US from infected regions would increase risk in the US”


The US army that was sent to help did not fly Jet Blue did they?

How about REDUCING risk?  I guess the CDC does not understand the term risk reduction.

Seriously?  I can’t believe people buy this shit. 

Billion-dollar lawsuits claim GMO corn ‘destroyed’ US exports to China

Bankrupt the farmers in court then destroy their profits, this is what happens when a company has board members in the branch of the government that write the law governing that industry. Monsanto scientists do not eat GMO foods, they test the food for 90 days.

Farming is under attack, corporations own the crops grown by the farmers and soon the rest of the word will completely ban all imports of american agriculture.

Here is the article;

We touched on this long ago in this post:

Corn and Wheat prices drop, along with export predictions

Islamic State militants are using huge numbers of U.S.-made bullets to maim and kill innocent victims across Iraq and Syria, a new survey has revealed.

Here is the link to article;

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