The Useless Counsel

Archive for the month “November, 2012”

The Media



Lol how  accurate is this?

Star Wars Galaxies Emulated Server should be picked up by Disney SWG EMU

Sign this thread!!!!!!  Lets get some Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Lets bring back the best video game ever.

Bloodfin FTMFW!!

Staring down the barrel of the Sun


If an X class solar flare erupts from this (the bright spot in the middle) it could be extremely problematic for Earth.

Max Igan’s The Calling

This video comes with my highest recommendation possible, consider it required.  It’s about global conspiracy.

I would not be surprised one bit if this guy was 100% correct.

This one could be a research project, I am curious how much of this is accurate.  Anyone with info please comment.

World Hemp Congress 2012




Max may be slightly biased.

Ron Paul….. prophet?

This video gave me goosebumps, he actually predicted the last 10 years.  The most concerning thing about this video is that it was said, in Congress, people were warned and nobody listened.  It is a disgrace how in this day and age individuals with new ideas in an attempt to bring forth positive change are actually laughed at.  This is because most people are too insecure to embrace change, in any form.

The farewell speech is 48 min, shut off the idiot box and watch it.


Google Transparency Report

Government access to google data on the rise, requests to remove content from searches.    Info and reports are in the links below.

Iranian attack on US drone in international airspace


It seems America is becoming target practice all over the world these days.


Best Seinfeld scene hands down

Mr. Bookman puts Seinfeld in his place, and Seinfeld almost cracks up during the scene.

Blatantly obvious Mexican government corruption

You do not need to be a lawyer, politician, law enforcement officer, judge, rocket scientist, or intelligent to figure out why the Mexican government is opposed to American legalization of marijuana in two states. The drug cartels own the politicians.

Could it be any more obvious?

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